How to Safely Diffuse Essential Oils in the Classroom

Using essential oils in the classroom makes SO much sense. 

They give you the power to fight airborne infections naturally, in the environment in which they thrive.

But there's issues about parental consent when it comes to minors. We all know essential oils are powerful, and without proper training in their use, who's to say the little ones we're exposing are actually safe?

Essential oil diffusing lanyard - defuze australia - bottle of essential oil

Essential oils + safety in the classroom

The most popular anti-germ blends from the major brands contain some pretty serious oils, which have some equally serious safety warnings attached. 

Recently, a New Zealand father threatened legal action against his child's school over their use of diffusers. 'He said the school's decision to use oils that could harm one student to help others was the same as "making everyone eat a peanut butter sandwich because someone said it was brain food".'

It turns out that he's a supporter of essential oil usage. But he's also a lawyer. EEEK.

He does have a point. So what to do?

Don't Use a Diffuser

Certified Clinical Aromatherapist, Lea Jacobson, of Using Essential Oils Safely, recommends that diffusers are never ran whilst students are in the class. 

In her podcast, she suggests running the diffuser once everyone has left for the day, and even letting it run in to the night. The key point is to not have it on when there's kids around. 

Do Use Diffuser Jewellery 

Personal inhalers like diffusing necklaces, lanyards, and bracelets are perfect!

This is exactly why we created the DeFuze Australia range of diffusing jewellery:

You can safely diffuse your selected oils in your own personal space, and take a great inhale at any time you need.

It's as simple as putting 1-3 drops on the lava stones or wooden beads and inhaling when you feel the need. 

Essential oil diffusing jewellery for office, class, and kids!

DeFuze Australia lanyards are perfect for the classroom. We use breakaway clasps for safety, and nylon cord for comfort. They use a combination of wood and lava diffusing beads, plus silicone and other metal beads. They stand up to the powerful oils, even citrus oils.
The volcanic lava stones we use are great diffusers. Lava is a porous rock, and absorbs the oil very quickly. They come in small, regular, and large sizes, and there is wholesale pricing available for Wellness Advocates and retail sites.

Our unique wooden oil drop stainless steel studs are amazing diffusers - and very unique gifts for oil lovers. 

The best bit is the halo effect you get when you apply oil to them - it's like walking in an oily cloud! 

At the end of the day, safe use of essential oils is the responsibility of ALL of us.

By choosing the right methods, hopefully we can get the message out about the power of the oils that we all know and love - and we can start to see them working in these public spaces, too! 

- Nicola @ DeFuze Australia

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essential oil diffusing jewellery by DeFuze Australia
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