There goes my baby…

Recently, the last of the DeFuze ‘baby’s’ set off to school (daycare).
It has been an emotional year for us 3 mummas! One by one our lives have evolved and for one reason or another, our baby’s have needed to leave mumma’s nest and face this beautiful world.

For me personally, I had been a stay at home Mum on and off for nearly 7 years. And as grateful as I am for that opportunity, the thought of heading back into the workforce was exciting!

After developing DeFuze, I soon started my own cleaning business, and I now do that 2 days a week, plus 1 day with an incredible family service, providing support and education to young parents.

The busier my life got, the harder it was to either bring Maisey, my youngest, along or for my husband or Mum to have her toe along with them. So we started looking into daycares/ Pre Kindy’s.

For weeks I was nervous and worried about even the thought of it, but eventually we found somewhere that just worked on all levels. The staff were friendly, they valued play and they had animals running around everywhere!

Maisey was instantly at ease and I knew we had made
the right choice.

Still, seeing her lip quiver and her eyes trying to hold back the tears on those first few days, were simply heartbreaking. I could feel my heart strings literally tugging out of my chest, but I was determined not to let her see me break.

She has now been going there for about a month and she loves it! Not only that, we can already see the benefits. Maisey is more social, she chats to people more, she has confidence in her voice and a brave twinkle in her eye. She is experiencing the world.

And the world is big, beautiful and at her feet.

So as the last of our DeFuze babies heads off on his second trial day tomorrow, a shout out to all the mumma’s who’s lives are evolving, who are trying new things and exploring their options outside of the home. To all the mumma’s who want more, need more and see more.
Shout out to you.


Remember, the days are long, but the years are short.
So live your best life and encourage your children to live theirs.  

Michelle x

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