The older I get, the more I realise how important my tribe truly is. My friends, my family, my neighbours, the school mums…
They are all part of my daily village that keep me sane and my children alive. But as I observe these people, I realise more and more that this tribe isn’t just for me. It is for my family too.
These people are also massive influences on
my children and husband.
I am a firm believer that 1 person cannot wear ALL the hats. I can’t get the empathy, understanding and bitchiness from my husband as I do from my best friend. Nor can I get the same warmth and love from my neighbour as I do from my Mum. I need many people in my life to fill my cup. And so do my family. I can’t expect to get all that I need from my husband, nor can I expect to be all that he needs.
Moments like these stand out to me when I see my daughter going up to my best friend’s husband for a cuddle and a splash whilst in the water, or I overhear my son talking to my dear friend about animals and spirits. I see it when my husband is talking to our friends about work, and there is some sort of realisation in his eyes, despite the fact that I have told him the same thing a dozen times. Or when he tells me stories about his Saturday golf day and the jokes they told.

And I see it when one of the many children in my tribe come to me for something that they haven’t asked of their parents. Or when a male friend asks my opinion, or when my sister needs a cuddle, or my friend needs a babysitter.
The tribe that we as women create, it is not just for us. We gather people that we want to have influence those around us, and we hold them close. We bring in friends that we know will get along with others in our tribe, and help them create tribes of their own.
Our children benefit, our partners benefit, we benefit.
So call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family…
Whatever you call it, you need one.

Michelle x